This is the third year DVAROC.ORG has joined in. This show features over 350 cars each year!!!!!!! Let the car enthusiasts know Alfa Romeo’s are still around!!!!!
Date: 11/28/2013
Time: 8:00 AM-1:00 PM
Location: Thomas Massey House, Lawrence Rd, Broomall PA
Each year, HCCP gathers for their “closing” ceremony at the Massey House on Thanksgiving morning. Each year, members of HCCP arrive with their families, donate food and toys, and make the time to enjoy friends, the car club hobby, and the free donuts and coffee that HCCP provides that day; as a matter of fact, each year HCCP takes the money given for coffee and donuts and donates it to the Massey House. The Frosbite Run gives the members a chance to give back to the community, reminisce with old friends, and remember that the holiday season is about to begin.