It’s cold outside…. brrrr and now we’ve got some white stuff too. Those are not exactly perfect conditions to exercise your Alfa, but should you be so inclined, here’s some inspiration:

Winter Diversions
Being cooped up inside on a cold day can be a perfect time to snuggle up to a good book, or these days, maybe a warm iPad or laptop. If so, then you might be inclined to burn some time looking for your next Alfa, or at least fantasizing about one.
There are plenty of places to find some enticing targets: Bring-A-Trailer, AlfaBB, Hemmings, Ebay and of course, Craigslist.
If you really want some inspiration, check out the video of this 6C 2500 coming back to life.
Congratulations! Jim Zawick Celebrates 50 Years of DVAROC Membership
I couldn’t believe it, but when I reviewed our membership roster the other day, I saw that Jim Zawick will celebrate 50 years of DVAROC membership on February 6th. Please join me in congratulating Jim on this amazing milestone.
2021 Events Calendar
And that brings us to our events for 2021…We’re still in the planning stages, but we’re working to put together a diverse roster of events which will have something for everyone to enjoy. Our goal is to have at least one event per month, starting in April. We’re expecting indoor restrictions to continue for a while, so we’ll focus on outdoor events and hope we can start doing some indoor ones (tech sessions, museum tours, etc.) in the fall. To see what we have in mind, go to our Events page.
Spring will be upon us soon, so get ready!!