Looking Forward to Fall

As summer comes to a close, it’s time to look forward to the autumn season, and with that, a lot of events to consider.

First up, next weekend, is the Lime Rock Historic Festival.  While it’s a bit of a drive from the Delaware Valley, it’s one of the best vintage racing events on the east coast.  A couple DVAROC members will be racing there and you’re welcome to hang out with us.  But wait, there’s more…. Sunday, the track is closed to racing due to a longstanding agreement with the local town.  But that means the track turns into an amazing display of cars, including some incredibly special Alfas from the Larry Auriana collection.

Then, closer to home, is the Radnor Concours on Sunday, September 10th.  Think of this one as Pebble Beach comes to Chester County.

The following weekend is the Coatesville Vintage Grand Prix on Saturday, September 16th.  And, while the “racing” isn’t quite Lime Rock quality, the access to the cars and the hometown feel to the event make it worth stopping by.

Then, my favorite event of the year, the DVAROC Fall Picnic comes up on Sunday, October 8th.  Mark your calendar now to attend.  Remember, if you have any Alfa related trinkets you’d like to donate as door prizes, we’d be most grateful.  

Lastly, in addition to events, I wanted to mention that Jeff Heckman is parting out a 1988 Black Spider Veloce.  If you need anything (except the windshield which I already claimed :) give him a call at:  484.802.0087.

I hope everyone has had a great summer.  I look forward to seeing you at an event soon!



Summer’s Here!

It’s hard to believe that we’re already about half way through our 2023 events calendar but it’s true! We’ve had a full plate of tech sessions, museum visits, car shows and tours, so far, and we’re not done yet!

This Sunday, July 2nd, we’ll hold our annual summer picnic and rally at Ridley Creek State Park. After that, our next “official” event is the New Hope Car Show in August, followed by the Radnor Concours in September. In between, there are plenty of opportunities to see vintage Alfa race cars in action, either in Pittsburgh or at Lime Rock, Connecticut. If you’ve never been to one, you really should check out a vintage car race!

I also want to welcome our new members. It’s great to see the club grow.

Tech Session – Saturday, April 15th

Next Saturday, April 15th is our annual DVAROC Tech Session, hosted by Nick Falcone Enterprises.  They are located at: 161 Rock Hill Rd, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.  We’ll start around 10am and run to about noon.  There’s no need to RSVP, just show up.  Refreshments will be supplied and there will be plenty of Alfisti to chat with and even commensurate.  If you have any particular topics or questions you’d like us to cover, just let me know.  I hope to see you there.  It’s always a great way to start the driving season.

Spring = Alfa Season!


Blossoms are blooming.  Birds are chirping.  Peepers are peeping.  It must be Spring!!!

And with Spring, the Delaware Valley Alfa Romeo Owners Club springs to life.

For those of you who joined us at the Simeone Museum in February – thank you!  And thanks again to Jim Hanna for a great tour.

Here’s a rundown of upcoming events:

Saturday, April 15 – DVAROC Tech Session – Join us for our annual tech session/BS session at Nick Falcone Enterprises – 161 Rock Hill Rd, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.  We’ll start around 10am and run to about noon.

Saturday, April 29 – DVAROC Alfa Meet at Faulkner Alfa Romeo – Details still to be confirmed, but plan on joining us for an informal meet at Faulkner Alfa Romeo.

Sunday, April 30 – Wheels of Wayne Car Show – This is a local car show that you might be interested in entering, or just attending.  For more information, go to: Wheels of Wayne

Sunday, May 7 – Mainline Cars and Coffee – Hang out and show off your Alfa.  For more information go to: https://mainlinecarsandcoffee.com/

Friday/Saturday, May 12-13 – DV/AROC goes to Carlisle – Join the Central Pennsylvania chapter at the Carlisle Import and Performance Nationals at the Carlisle Fairgrounds.  If you want to display your car, register by March 28th.   For more information see the flyer below. 

Saturday, May 13 – Ragtops and Roadsters Open House – For those of you who have not attended one of these, it is a great opportunity to visit a top notch classic car restoration/repair shop and hang out with a bunch of car enthusiasts.  For more information, see the flyer below.

Sunday, May 28 – DVAROC Spring Tour – Join us for a lovely drive through Bucks and Hunterdon counties with lunch at the finish line.  Stay tuned for more details but mark your calendars now!

Events marked as “DVAROC” are club sponsored events.  All others are organized by others.  

For more information, check out our events page: DVAROC Events

Simeone Museum Tour

While just a few of us might be focused on that other event next weekend, we hope you’ll spend your Saturday morning with us at the Simeone Museum.

For those unfamiliar with it, the Simeone Museum is one of the finest collections of historic race cars in the world – right here in our own backyard.  The permanent collection contains over 75 cars, including several Alfas, and there are always visiting cars that rotate through. To make this event even more special, DVAROC member Jim Hanna will give us the platinum tour, with colorful stories about individual cars as we go through the museum.  

If that sounds interesting, here are the particulars:

Date: Saturday, 11 February

Time: 10:am

Location:  Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum, 6825 Norwitch Drive, Philadelphia PA 19153

Meeting Spot: Just inside, next to the first car on display

Cost: Admission is $15 per person

Lunch:  If there is enough interest, we’ll go to Chickie and Petes for an after-tour lunch.  

In order to get a headcount, please RSVP by Friday, 10 February 

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Okay, so winter is not necessarily the best time to come out with your Alfa and play with the club. But, it is a great time to catch up on maintenance, watch some inspirational videos, shop for another toy or plan for the upcoming months. Here’s a little of each:

Maintenance: While I’ve been busy stitching the race GTV back together and doing some unplanned upgrades, you might want to tackle some less ambitious work: clean your interior (good mice prevention) and windows, change your oil, replace your tires (are they more than five years old?) and check the age of your battery to see if needs to be replaced. For a good guide to winter storage tips, try this link: Winter Storage Tips

Inspirational Videos: There’s no better way to burn through winter hours than watching some great car videos. Here are a few suggestions: Classic Car Snow Racing – St. Moritz, Fantastic GTA Racing at Goodwood, Great Transaxle Alfa Rally Footage, The New GTAm, Alfa Formula 1 Behind The Scenes, Giulia Oil Change, Alfa Restoration, Five Reasons Why You Need an Alfa Spider

Shopping: Now’s a great time to get some parts, buy some books or Alfa swag. But if you’re really hooked, you need to be shopping for something more substantial. Maybe a winter shopping trip to Paris is in order? If that’s too cold, how about Arizona? Too far? How about Florida?

Planning for 2023: Your DVAROC officers have been busy. We have some great events coming up:

February 11 – Simeone Museum Tour – Jim Hanna will give us a tour of the fabulous Simeone Museum again this year. If there’s sufficient interest, we’ll also meet up for lunch afterwards.

April 15 – Tech Session at Nick Falcone Enterprises – Ruth and Vince are opening their doors to us for our traditional spring get-together.

April 29 – Alfa Meet at Faulkner Alfa Romeo – Greg Shpungin has been working with Faulkner to arrange a meet at their dealership in Willow Grove.

For more event details and a complete (updated) calendar, go to: DVAROC Events

DVAROC in 2023

It’s that time of the year, again. Time to put away our classic Alfas and put snows on our daily driver Alfas. It’s also time to start planning out next year’s activities.

Our draft calendar looks a lot like our typical year, with a Tech Session in the spring, followed by a tour around Memorial Day. Then, in July we’ll do our summer picnic and rally. Fall brings with it our annual picnic and then another tour which will likely include some wineries.

We’re looking to go back to the Simeone Museum this winter, but have not yet nailed down a date. We’re waiting for the Simeone to announce their test days to see if we can combine our visit with one of them.

Our calendar also includes a bunch of events that club members might be interested in attending – including car shows and vintage races.

The AROC national convention is being held in North Carolina, this year, in late June. That puts it within striking distance. If we can get enough interest, perhaps we can arrange a caravan.

To see the complete calendar, go to: DVAROC Events Calendar

If you have any ideas or things you’d like to do, feel free to reach out to myself or one of your officers.

Fall is Event Season!

Fall is upon us and with it, comes a bunch of events.  A lot of these are new and some require RSVPs, so please read carefully:

October 9th – DVAROC Fall Picnic – Chester County, PA

You are cordially invited to this year’s DVAROC fall picnic, to be held again at “Le Petit Mont” in Unionville, Chester County.  Join us on top of the “mont” where you will enjoy breathtaking views of the Brandywine Creek valley while sharing a lovely afternoon among beautiful cars, and fellow Alfa enthusiasts.  The event will take place on Sunday, October 9th and will start a little before noon.  Gourmet lunches and drinks will be provided by the club.  Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets, chairs and Alfa Romeo related trinkets that can be given away as prizes. 

In addition to the gathering of cars and  Alfisti, we’ll have games, entertainment and the DVAROC will hold annual elections.

We need to plan food/drinks, so RSVP as soon as you can, but no later than Friday, October 7th to Bob Brady at: 302-420-6529 or robertanthonybrady@gmail.com 

The picnic will be held, rain or shine.

Don’t miss this great DVAROC tradition!  

October 14-16 – Historic Racing at New Jersey Motorsports Park

Not a DVAROC event, but I know at least one DVAROC member who will be racing there.  This event is open to the public, though the NJMP website has very little information about it.  If you want to go, let me know and I can give you the details.

October 16th – Skippack International Car Show – Skippack, PA

Not a DVAROC event, but a great chance to see a fabulous car show.  For more information, go to: http://www.skippackvillage.com/events/15/car-show.html

October 22nd – Alfa Demo Day at Simeone Museum

This isn’t an official DVAROC event, but a great event nonetheless.  The NJAROC is going, so we can meet up with them.  For more information, go to: https://simeonemuseum.org/demo-days/

October 23rd – DVAROC Fall Tour – Wineries of Chester County

Our fall tour will take us to some great wineries and maybe a special stop, as well.  More information to follow.

November 5th – Ragtops and Roadsters Open House – Pottstown, PA

Ragtops always has a great open house.  Not a DVAROC event.  For more information, go to: https://ragtops.com/events/

November 26th – DVAROC Visits the David Markel Collection – Skippack, PA

We’ve been visiting this amazing collection of cars for the past couple years.  Every visit shows us something different.  We need 25 people to RSVP by October 9th!  Cost will be $25 and we’ll likely meet for lunch afterwards.

There you have it.  Plenty of opportunities to get your Alfa out!

Hope to see you soon, 
