First Annual Hellertown Italian Car Show

FIAT-Lancia Unlimited Hosts the First Annual Hellertown Italian Car Show

Hellertown, PA – Club FIAT-Lancia Unlimited (FLU) will host the First Annual Hellertown Italian Car Show on Saturday, June 9th, 2012, opening at 9 am. This event, to be held at the lovely and shady Reservoir Park, at 3376 Reservoir Road, just south of Bethlehem and a few minutes off Rt. 78, will be a very “all inclusive” show, welcoming everything from daily driver FIATs through Alfas, Lancias and Etceterinis all the way up to concours Ferraris, Lamborghinis and the like. Italian bikes are welcome too. The more the merrier; we love variety. In addition, for this year, we will be inviting our friends with Swedish cars up through Volvo models 140 and Saabs through model 99 and French cars to bring them along, too. Italian food will be available. $15 per car by May 31st, $20 at the gate.
We’ll also have brand new FIAT 500s on display, courtesy of FIAT of Montgomeryville. To help celebrate the return of the beloved Italian brand, Club FIAT-Lancia Unlimited has launched a new website at Fans of the brand can learn more about the event, find registration information and also read all the latest about both new and vintage vehicles and the joys of ownership.



The Club Fiat-Lancia Unlimited (FLU) was founded in 1983 and has been loyally dedicated to the enjoyment of FIAT vehicles and other Italian cars since. The club has local chapters holding regional shows and events. Details are available at Club FIAT-Lancia Unlimited maintains a website and publishes “Ricambi,” its official, full-color bi-monthly magazine, which includes member-written articles, adventure stories, technical tips and classified ads.

For More Information Contact:

Mike Space