This year’s Fall Tour will be up along the Delaware River.
We’ll start, as always, at Washington Crossing in PA, then head into Bucks County, PA and Hunterdon County, NJ as we drive through six covered bridges and over a bunch more historically significant bridges. About a third of the way through, we’ll make a stop at Prallsville Mills in Stockton, New Jersey for short break. After that, it’s back to hunting down the rest of our covered bridge targets in Pennsylvania. We’ll make another stop in Milford, New Jersey to pick up picnic goodies. Then, it will be a short drive to Tinicum Park in Pennsylvania, where we’ll stop for lunch. If you drove the spring tour, Tinicum Park is where we made a brief stop – just along the Delaware River. Many of the roads will be new and there will be plenty of places to exercise your Alfa. Expect the total length to be about 70 miles and the drive to take about three hours (including stops).
The tour will leave at 9:30am, from the parking lot at Washington Crossing Park, in Pennsylvania.
Like we did in the spring, the picnic will be BYO. You will be able to pick up food and drinks in Milford when we stop. The Milford Market has a great selection of sandwiches and salads. In addition, Pipolo’s Pizza is also there if you prefer something more Italian. Also, if you plan to picnic, try to bring a blanket and/or chairs.
If you want to attend, please RSVP to Bob Brady as soon as you can (so we can better plan) but no later than Friday, October 23rd
Hope you can make it!! But, if you can’t, there will be another opportunity to drive on November 14th, when we head west into Lancaster and will finish at Bill Coleman’s Elizabeth Farm for lunch.