The Delaware Valley Alfa Romeo Owners Club will hold our Summer Picnic and Rally at Ridley Creek State Park on Sunday July 19th. The event will include a fun rally, which should take less than an hour to complete, followed by a picnic in the park. You’ll have a chance to show off your car, demonstrate your navigation skills, and safely enjoy some good food and friends.
We’ll gather at Ridley Creek State Park at 10:30. Refer to the map below.

After everyone arrives, we’ll go over the rally instructions and then have a Le Mans style start. The rally will take participants through some very pretty Chester County horse country. The course is designed to make for fun competition that won’t reward use of GPS or following another car.
The rally course will take less than an hour (more like 30 minutes) to complete. Once everyone is safely back to the park, we’ll enjoy some lunch together at the pavillion.
Instead of a lunch buffet, we’ll do separate orders, this year, from a couple local places: The Country Deli and La Porta Restaurante. When you arrive at the park, we’ll call in orders. When you return from your drive, we’ll have food waiting for you.
If you want to attend, please RSVP to Bob Brady at by Friday, July 17th so we can plan food and hand-outs, accordingly.
Hope to see you there!!