It must have been cabin fever that brought out a record-breaking group of Alfisti to tour the David Markel car collection in Skippack, PA. The tour on February 16th was completely sold out. The second tour on the 29th was nearly as full. Amazing!
And, maybe even more amazing, was the fact that most of our tour-goers chose to bring their Alfas out in the cold, but dry weather.
After meeting up at the local Wawa, we visited a few of the Markel collection’s 13 garages, inside which included some very special Italian machinery.
Our lunch break was a tasty Italian buffet at Brothers Kershner Brewing Co, located on the main drag of Skippack. Once our tummies were full, we strolled out of the brewery to visit a few more collections tucked within some unsuspecting buildings.
On behalf of the club, I want to thank Steve Harter for arranging for these fantastic events. I also want to thank Mike Casale, curator of the collection, for allowing us in to see these remarkable cars.
I also want to thank Darren Mileto for his wide angle lens :) and the great photos he took. Ditto to Jose Joga for some nice shots.
On request of the owner, we’re not permitted to publish photos of the cars in the collection, but we are happy to publish a couple of shots from the outside.
Our next event will be a tech session at Valerio Motorsports in Norristown, on March 21st. See you there!