All posts by Bob Brady

Autumn is the Alfa Season

As summer officially comes to a close, it’s time to look forward to perhaps the best season for Alfa events, Autumn!

September 20 –  Rally and Cars and Cigars – Skippack, PA – RSVP by 9/16 Steve Harter has put together another great event for us.  This time, it will involve driving, not just ogling.  The rally begins and ends at the Parc Bistro in Skippack, PA.  Plan to be there by 12:30 as the rally starts promptly at 1pm.  When you’re done, enjoy some cars & cigars (and maybe a bite to eat).  See the flyer below for more information.  Make sure you RSVP to Steve by 9/16.  

September 27 – Fall Picnic – Ridley Creek Park, PA – RSVP by 9/25
We finally settled on a venue for this year’s picnic – Ridley Creek.  We’ll be at a different, larger site (#17), than our summer picnic/rally, so we’ll have plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the cars.  We’re arranging for box lunches and we’ll still have the usual door prizes.  Mark your calendar now and start looking for some interesting door prizes to donate.  Look for another announcement soon with more details.  Cost will be $10 to defray the pavilion rental, food, and gifts.

Hope you get out this weekend for a drive and hope to see you at an event soon.

DVAROC Summer Rally/Picnic – Sunday, July 19

The Delaware Valley Alfa Romeo Owners Club will hold our Summer Picnic and Rally at Ridley Creek State Park on Sunday July 19th.  The event will include a fun rally, which should take less than an hour to complete, followed by a picnic in the park.  You’ll have a chance to show off your car, demonstrate your navigation skills, and safely enjoy some good food and friends.

We’ll gather at Ridley Creek State Park at 10:30.  Refer to the map below.

After everyone arrives, we’ll go over the rally instructions and then have a Le Mans style start.  The rally will take participants through some very pretty Chester County horse country. The course is designed to make for fun competition that won’t reward use of GPS or following another car. 

The rally course will take less than an hour (more like 30 minutes) to complete.  Once everyone is safely back to the park, we’ll enjoy some lunch together at the pavillion.

Instead of a lunch buffet, we’ll do separate orders, this year, from a couple local places: The Country Deli and La Porta Restaurante.  When you arrive at the park, we’ll call in orders.  When you return from your drive, we’ll have food waiting for you.

If you want to attend, please RSVP to Bob Brady at  by Friday, July 17th so we can plan food and hand-outs, accordingly.

Hope to see you there!!

Thanks for A Wonderful Spring Tour

For the 40-50 of you that joined us yesterday, Thank You!

It was a fabulous tour on a fabulous day. Nearly everyone made it all the way to the picnic at the end – which itself is an amazing feat given that there were a couple of lefts in the directions that should have been rights. (whoops)

I hope everyone got their fill of pretty barns, interesting bridges, and guidare con brio.

Look for an update on our summer picnic/rally soon. We’re going to postpone it… just a bit.


Events Update

We were fortunate to sneak in the David Markel car collection tours in February. For those of you who made it to one of those events, I’m sure you’ll agree it was a great experience.

Not surprisingly, we’ve had to postpone our Tech Sessions. Hopefully, we’ll get them rescheduled after the world opens back up.

We’re still planning to hold the Spring Tour on May 24th. We’ll be making some changes to that event to make it compliant with rules and precautions. We understand if you choose not to attend, but wanted to give the club an opportunity to get out and drive, if even at a distance.

We’re still planning out the route, but it will likely start from Washington Crossing, as usual, and tour up along the Delaware, and points east and west. The theme we’re working with, this year, is Barns, Barns, and More Barns. In lieu of a sit down lunch, we’re planning on boxed lunches (or bring your own picnic) to be enjoyed at a park, field, or along a scenic byway. See the image below for inspiration!

Take care, stay safe, stay sane, and stay tuned…

David Markel Collection Tour Exceeds Expectations!

It must have been cabin fever that brought out a record-breaking group of Alfisti to tour the David Markel car collection in Skippack, PA. The tour on February 16th was completely sold out. The second tour on the 29th was nearly as full. Amazing!

And, maybe even more amazing, was the fact that most of our tour-goers chose to bring their Alfas out in the cold, but dry weather.

After meeting up at the local Wawa, we visited a few of the Markel collection’s 13 garages, inside which included some very special Italian machinery.

Our lunch break was a tasty Italian buffet at Brothers Kershner Brewing Co, located on the main drag of Skippack. Once our tummies were full, we strolled out of the brewery to visit a few more collections tucked within some unsuspecting buildings.

On behalf of the club, I want to thank Steve Harter for arranging for these fantastic events. I also want to thank Mike Casale, curator of the collection, for allowing us in to see these remarkable cars.

I also want to thank Darren Mileto for his wide angle lens :) and the great photos he took. Ditto to Jose Joga for some nice shots.

On request of the owner, we’re not permitted to publish photos of the cars in the collection, but we are happy to publish a couple of shots from the outside.

Our next event will be a tech session at Valerio Motorsports in Norristown, on March 21st. See you there!

2020 Events Calendar Updated!

Our events calendar for 2020 has been updated and includes a number of new ones, in addition to our traditional set.

We’ll start with two opportunities to tour the David Markel Car Collection in Skippack, PA and have lunch afterwards. The first date filled up surprisingly fast, so we added another.

In March, Valerio Motorsports is opening up their shop for us to visit. They support a number of local racers and are Alfisti at heart.

In April, we’ll be back at Nick Falcones for their annual Tech Session. This is always a great time to hang out and talk cars, and get some advice on how to keep our Alfas going from the guru himself, Vince Votto.

Rounding out spring will be a driving tour and lunch at the end of May. The route hasn’t been set yet, but will likely go up along the Delaware in Bucks County.

For a complete listing of our events schedule as it stands, go here. Check back often as it will evolve as the year progresses.

Get out and Drive!

Thanks for a Great 2019 – See you in 2020!


It’s been a great 2019. I want to thank everyone who made it to one (or more) of our events this year – you truly made it special. I also want to thank everyone who made our events possible – from Vince and Ruth, to Ellen, Bill and Greg, to the many clubs, museums, wineries, and restaurants that shared their venues with us – thank you!

As we begin planning for 2020, we look forward to another great year. If you have any ideas or want to plan an event, just reach out to Bob, Bill, Ellen or Greg – we’d love to hear from you and can always use a couple of hands to help out.

On behalf of the DVAROC, we wish you a relaxing holiday and a wonderful New Year!

Fall Winery Tour – Sunday, October 27th

Our fall winery tour is now set for Sunday, October 27th.

We’ll depart from Landhope Farms in Kennett Square, promptly at 10:30am.  Landhope is located at: 101 E Street Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348, on the corner of routes 82 and 926.  There, you’ll be able to gas up, get some coffee, and use the restroom.

Our first stop will be Paradocx Vineyards, Since we last visited Paradocx, they’ve opened a new tasting room.  A four wine tasting will be $12.

From Paradocx, we’ll drive over hill and dale, to get to Galer Estate Vineyard and Winery.  Galer is new to the DVAROC.  They have a lovely facility and might even have a fire going for us.  Tastings at Galer run $15.

By the time we leave Galer, it will be time for lunch.  So, we’ll head northeast through Chester County and make our way to Trattoria Guiseppe in Newtown Square.  There, we’ll have an ala carte lunch. 

With time for tastings and driving, expect to arrive for lunch close to 2pm.

Please RSVP to me by Friday, October 25th

The scenery is great, the roads will be exciting, and of course, the wine and food will be delicious!

DVAROC Fall Picnic – September 29 – Chester County

The annual Delaware Valley Alfa Romeo Owners Club picnic will be held on Sunday, September 29th at noon. Join us atop the Petit Mont where you will enjoy picturesque views of the Brandywine Valley while sharing a lovely afternoon among beautiful cars, and fellow Alfisti.  

Gourmet lunches and drinks will be provided. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets, chairs and Alfa Romeo related items that can be given away as door prizes.  

In addition to the gathering of cars and friends, we’ll have games, entertainment and the DVAROC will hold annual elections.  If you are interested in running for a position, please contact Bill Conway at prior to the event. 
Don’t miss this cornerstone event of the DVAROC.

A $10 per person contribution will be requested to help defray expenses.

RSVP by September 27th to Bob Brady at  
Rain Date is October 6th.