Thanks to Steve and Debbie Harter (and Mike Casale), the Fire and Rain Road Rally last Sunday was a smashing (figuratively speaking) success.
About sixty cars came out on the absolutely gorgeous Sunday afternoon in Skippack to spend a few hours exploring the best roads and sights of Montgomery county. Beautiful automobiles were everywhere. In addition to the Alfa squadra, there were Lancias, Ferraris, Benzes, Fords, Packards, Jags, a gaggle of Morgans, and many many others.
The rally was not at all like our typical DVAROC tours. This one required a competent navigator and demanded attention from both driver and passenger to answer the cryptic questions in the directions, as well as keep track of streams and firehouses. Unquestionably, more than a few couples required counseling afterwards as tempers flied and fingers pointed along the way.
Despite participants often driving past one another, in opposite directions, everyone seemed to make it back to Parc Bistro at the end. And the winner? Who knows? Who cares? The good food, drinks, music, and company were the real reward for a sometimes stressful, but always entertaining afternoon.
For more photos, go to: https://www.flickr.com/photos/190355150@N08/with/50365412092/